Help Luke and Amy start a family.

Portland , OR (US)
Created 3 years ago
Fertility Treatments

Help Luke and Amy start a family.

by Amy Tanner

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $20,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $14,842.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$14,842.00 raised of $20,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Portland , OR (US)

Amy Tanner is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

Dear Friends, Family and Kind Strangers,

Our names are Luke and Amy Tanner and we would like to share with you a bit about our journey together, our life and longing to start a family together.

We fell in love during high school and got married right after Amy’s graduation.
We started trying to have a baby not long after we were married, but almost eleven years later— it still has not happened.

A few years ago, Amy was diagnosed with PCOS (Polycyclic Ovarian Syndrome), which is a condition that can cause a wide variety of health problems, including infertility. Though it should not be impossible to get pregnant with PCOS, as many women do, it can make it extremely difficult. When Amy was diagnosed we felt a sense of relief, believing that a diagnosis could finally provide an answer to the infertility. One common symptom of PCOS is ovulatory dysfunction. Our doctor believed this was our main issue preventing pregnancy, and in 2021 put Amy on a medication called Clomiphene for 6 months (this is a estrogen modulator, which essentially means that it forces ovulation). Unfortunately, even this was unsuccessful and it was heartbreaking. This treatment was the last thing we could try before our doctors could no longer help us due to our medical insurance’s limitations for fertility treatments. 

Amy has been to many doctors over the years and had countless tests done, but we have yet to find the answers we need. Therefore, with our medical insurance being used up, our next step is to see an “out-of-pocket” fertility specialist. Fertility treatments are very expensive, even consultations and tests to determine a treatment plan alone can be thousands of dollars. IVF is the most widely used treatment plan, but at more than $10,000 per treatment, and requiring an average of 3 attempts; financially this just hasn’t been an option for us to go forward with. 

We have always loved children, and over the years we have found so much joy in pouring our love into our nephews and our friend’s children, but we long for the day that we can share all of the love we have with a baby of our own.

We have been in love for almost fifteen years now. We have gone through so many stages of life together; great joys as well as painful hardships, but we have grown tremendously as individuals and as a couple through them all. Now, all we want is to be able to have a family together— we believe that we are ready for that to happen now more than ever before.

This fertility journey has been the hardest thing we’ve ever gone through, the pain truly feels unbearable at times, but we know that once we finally hold our baby in our arms, it will all be worth it.

Anything you can give, even the smallest amount, is so appreciated. If you can’t give anything right now but you’d still like to help, you can share this fundraiser.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read our story and be a part of our journey.

With love,

Luke and Amy

  • 08-29-2022

    BIG Update

    I'm sure many of you have seen or heard our latest update through various social media platforms, but for our supporters who made it possible, we wanted to make sure to give you an update!

    Since we started this fundraiser, we've seen more love, support and encouragement than we could've hoped for. We have always had one goal in mind; to have a baby. We didn't know how it would happen, such as natural birth, adoption or IVF. We started with the dream and promise in our heart and took the first steps.

    We've spent 10 years trying to communicate to doctors all of the health issues Amy had, even beyond not being able to get pregnant. We suspected a condition called Endometriosis, which is a very painful condition causing a plethora of issues. We were always told that what she experienced didn't sound like Endometriosis, but without being given any other answers. We knew we needed an expert that our insurance wouldn't provide. Once we started receiving donations, we committed to the first step; a consultation with a local fertility center. We needed to start with finding out what our options were. Fast forward to July 27th, we spoke to the fertility doctor and answered a series of questions about Amy's life, symptoms, etc. Within 3 questions, he was confident she had the condition, Endometriosis. All the symptoms she'd been dealing with for more than 10 years were all classic signs of Endometriosis. We knew it could only be both diagnosed AND resolved through surgery but it was so encouraging to hear we weren't crazy! We worked with the fertility center to find out how to proceed, having doubts how we would be able to do this. We found out the surgery and pre-op appointment were almost exactly the amount we had from the fundraiser. We knew it was already an answer to prayer.
    Within 1 week we had everything set up for surgery on 8/26/22. We were ecstatic to be taking the next step so quickly after initiating this process. We'd been trying to get answers for so many years that we couldn't wait another minute.

    On 8/26, we arrived at the hospital at 5:15am and were checked in promptly. The entire staff was super helpful, kind and you could just sense hope was there. We were both excited and in good moods despite being up at the crack of dawn (which hadn't even started yet). Amy was brave through the whole process, even right up until the moment they rolled her to the OR. I was so grateful they let me stay with her in the room until then. It was a 2 hour surgery with a 1 hour isolated recovery so I went home to get some rest. I got the call from the surgeon that she did, in fact, have Endometriosis and it was 'extensive' and 'significant'. He also confirmed the surgery was successful! I was calm and reserved but once I hung up I just thanked God for his hand in all this. We received further detail of the overall report and learned that the Endometriosis had formed in multiple places including the reproductive system, bladder and bowels. He was not able to remove the Endometriosis from the bowels without risk of damaging them but he removed everything that would interfere with getting pregnant, as well as some other painful symptoms she'd had. He also went on to explain getting pregnant was not only possible, but likely, and in doing so could actually help remove the remaining Endometriosis! We've been at home, recovering since and taking it one day at a time. We've had multiple calls with the doctor and everything so far is looking good. There are still upcoming and likely unexpected expenses, so your continued support is so appreciated.

    I can't say this enough, but I am so proud of my wife. She has been so brave through this seemingly endless journey. She never gave up because it would've been easier. She always did her research, continued pressing doctors for help and hoping it would happen somehow, someday. We're so glad to have you all along with us in this journey and look forward to giving you the ultimate update of what we've been praying for. Until then…

    With love,
    Luke and Amy

Name Donation Date
Anonymous $100.00 March 01, 2023
Pat Olsen $150.00 February 18, 2023
Carolina Wallace $300.00 February 17, 2023
Albert Zehr $300.00 February 17, 2023
Lauren Caldwell $100.00 February 16, 2023
Heather Papendieck $50.00 February 16, 2023
Brenda Nestibo $200.00 February 16, 2023
Anonymous $200.00 February 16, 2023
Anonymous $100.00 October 16, 2022
Anonymous $100.00 October 01, 2022
Uncle Tim and Aunt Lori Pelton $100.00 September 26, 2022
Anonymous $100.00 September 22, 2022
Anonymous $100.00 September 03, 2022
Brad Bodenman $500.00 August 26, 2022
Albert Zehr $200.00 August 25, 2022
Anonymous $2,000.00 August 24, 2022
Tracee Anne Loosle $111.00 August 24, 2022
Michele Taliaferro $500.00 August 22, 2022
Anonymous $145.00 August 19, 2022
Kerry Champagne $100.00 August 18, 2022
Anonymous $140.00 July 01, 2022
Diane Tanner $100.00 July 01, 2022
Anonymous $50.00 June 25, 2022
Jonathan Backer $200.00 June 25, 2022
Anonymous $140.00 June 19, 2022
Anonymous $150.00 June 05, 2022
Karen Zheng $555.00 June 01, 2022
Lydia Backer $1,000.00 May 18, 2022
Celine Baker $50.00 May 18, 2022
Anonymous $130.00 May 18, 2022
Wayne Pelton $300.00 May 14, 2022
Janet Bizjak $50.00 May 09, 2022
Julie King $50.00 May 08, 2022
Patricia Devenish $30.00 May 08, 2022
Carolina Wallace $1,000.00 May 05, 2022
Cheryl DeVoe $100.00 May 01, 2022
Alison Rolf $25.00 April 30, 2022
Naomi Metzler $111.00 April 30, 2022
Tiffany Tornay $125.00 April 30, 2022
Molica Hsu $200.00 April 30, 2022
Andrayakatrine Legaspi $100.00 April 29, 2022
Vincy Abraham $50.00 April 28, 2022
Anonymous $500.00 April 28, 2022
Brenda Nestibo $200.00 April 27, 2022
Sheena Tranter $60.00 April 27, 2022
Noah Pelton $50.00 April 26, 2022
Malcolm Petch $100.00 April 26, 2022
Lauren Caldwell $100.00 April 26, 2022
Schrepel Stephanie $50.00 April 26, 2022
TJ Pelton $175.00 April 25, 2022
Anonymous $1,000.00 April 25, 2022
Anonymous $700.00 April 25, 2022
Julie Tan $500.00 April 25, 2022
Tiffany Ryman $100.00 April 25, 2022
Blake Johnson $500.00 April 25, 2022
Allison Bell $100.00 April 25, 2022
Carolin Sadler $100.00 April 25, 2022
Tabitha Lemaire $75.00 April 25, 2022
Laura Collins $100.00 April 25, 2022
Albert Zehr $200.00 April 24, 2022
Vincy Abraham $50.00 April 24, 2022
Debi Beasley $20.00 April 24, 2022
Sierra Holz $50.00 April 24, 2022
Uncle Tim and Aunt Lori Pelton commented with a $100 donation about 2 years ago
Praise God for a successful operation! We are excited for you two!
Kerry Champagne commented with a $100 donation about 3 years ago
Believing with you ?
Diane Tanner commented with a $100 donation about 3 years ago
May the Lord Bless and keep you. I love you both, Mom Tanner
Anonymous commented with a $50 donation about 3 years ago
May God exponentially grant you your hearts desire!! ????
Karen Zheng commented with a $555 donation about 3 years ago
Hello Luke and Amy, as a good friend of your mom, I share the love for you two and trust that God will fulfil your heart desire as HE loves you so much! Love and blessings from Auntie Karen
Lydia Backer commented with a $1000 donation about 3 years ago
We love you so so much!
Celine Baker commented with a $50 donation about 3 years ago
Praying for you both ??????
Janet Bizjak commented with a $50 donation about 3 years ago
God's Got This
Carolina Wallace commented with a $1000 donation about 3 years ago
To Luke and Amy, First, your baby was a dream in your heart. Hopefully, soon your baby will be a miracle that you hold in your arms. And your baby will forever be the love of your lifes. May everything you hold dear blossom into something beautiful. ????
Alison Rolf commented with a $25 donation about 3 years ago
This is a subject dear to my own heart. I have been praying for you for a while now. Don't give up on God- He is faithful. He is no respecter of persons and wants everyone to be blessed with the fruit of the womb . He will come through for you!!
Tiffany Tornay commented with a $125 donation about 3 years ago
Love you guys! Praying for you!
Andrayakatrine Legaspi commented with a $100 donation about 3 years ago
This is going to happen!
Anonymous commented with a $500 donation about 3 years ago
Mary and I are standing with you in prayer and love.
Brenda Nestibo commented with a $200 donation about 3 years ago
We pray you will receive the miracle you are hoping for…we love you!
Noah Pelton commented with a $50 donation about 3 years ago
Love you guys
Malcolm Petch commented with a $100 donation about 3 years ago
with love from some Canadian friends!
Tiffany Ryman commented with a $100 donation about 3 years ago
I love you Amy. Praying for you!
Carolin Sadler commented with a $100 donation about 3 years ago
Will be thinking of you and praying....
Tabitha Lemaire commented with a $75 donation about 3 years ago
Standing with you Amy & Luke ❤️
Laura Collins commented with a $100 donation about 3 years ago
Blessings for a successful journey. I know the pain of not being able to conceive. Believing with you that God has a perfect plan and miracle of being fruitful and multiplying!
Debi Beasley commented with a $20 donation about 3 years ago
I so wish I could donate more funds! I went through intense infertility treatments for years. It is so incredibly expense. Emotions are all over the place during protocols and a women's body goes through so much hormonally. So many prayers for you too! Take heart, I have twins now who will be 30 in June and we used a frozen 2 cell embryo for a transfer 12 years after the twins She is a miracle and just turned 17 years old. Praying for you both!
Sierra Holz commented with a $50 donation about 3 years ago
All the love in the world for you two! Praying for you both in this journey ?